Tanabe Books

Nonfiction and fiction writings about Religion, Buddhism, Japan, Hawaii, and Japanese-Americans

​George Tanabe writes nonfiction and fiction about Religion, Buddhism, Japan, Hawaii and Japanese-Americans.

Governor Neil Abercrombie Visits Buddhist Temple Exhibition

​Governor Neil Abercrombie visiting the Buddhist Temple Exhibition at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii on February 16, 2013.  Left to right: George Tanabe, Gov. Abercrombie (holding copy of guidebook), Carole Hayashino (President of JCCH), and Willa Tanabe.

​Willa Tanabe and Gov. Abercrombie admiring a modern rendition of Kannon, Bodhissattva of Compassion, borrowed from the Tendai Mission of Hawaii.

​Willa Tanabe and Gov. Abercrombie admiring a modern rendition of Kannon, Bodhissattva of Compassion, borrowed from the Tendai Mission of Hawaii.